Friday, August 26, 2005

Seniors holding up our world

We got a weird request at work today. A lady came in to order a photo. It was a photo of an Anglican priest and his wife and the story was that they were leaving the town and heading to Melbourne. What the lady asked for was that the wife be chopped out of the photo cos she only wanted the priest in the pic (Anglican priests can marry in case anyone is wondering why he has a wife. =P) What a weird request!!!! Freaky!

On another note, I attended a Red Cross Annual General Meeting and saw that all the members of the Mansfield unit were mostly women and they were all much older women. There weren't any young members at all but I suppose they're all working. I've attended the meetings of several similar groups around town and its the same. And when they report their activities, my goodness, they do alot of stuff. Despite some of them struggling to walk, with a bad hip, and are half-walking and half-limping, their enthusiasm and drive are unmatched. What are we going to do without them? To me, they hold up our world.

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