Saturday, August 13, 2005

Backstage Bazaar and Boys Toys Expo

For my work, Phill and I went to Mansfield this afternoon first to the backstage bazaar which is a little shop behind the cinema (pictured above). The cinema is just across from the road where my office is located. The place sells retro stuff, like old magazines and old-styled luggage, very English. I like and its only $2!!! But I refrain from buying cos now living with in-laws, we don't have very much space and I still feel like its their space so I'm trying not to mess it up anymore. =P

The house is very neat but with hubby and I, it sometimes gets too messy and I think my mum-in-law sometimes have to put up with this untidy trait of ours. I guess that's the little difference in living with someone else. I feel the pressure and stress of keeping it to a certain standard (but fail) and wish for the day I could have my space and just leave my clothes around. I guess I'll only frantically scurry and pack them up when there are guests....heehee! =P But it may be a different story once we have our own place. I may be such a neat freak it may frustrate the people around me. Hope not!

So anyway, back to that English-looking luggage, I told Melinda, shop-owner and she owns the Mansfield cinema too that I have my eye on the luggage and will be back to buy it.

After the backstage bazaar, we walked up to the sporting complex which is just ten minutes away and went to the Boys Toys Expo cos I had to cover that for the paper too. There weren't many people around. What was on display were like a supersized ute, tractors, toy cars, vintage cars and a V8 supercar. After looking at all the cars, Phill and I bot a sausage and onions in a slice of white bread for $2 each and it was yummy! One of the best I've tasted! It was crispy and hot and had the right flavour. I could eat more but didn't want to spend too much and to get fat. I can reserve my craving for another day.

And while we were sitting on plank of wood eating the sausages, phill asked:
"Did you see the ANZ bank stall in the expo."
Me: "Yes."
Phill: "Do you know how we can get the cute piggy bank?"
Me: "I think its for kids and if they sign up with the bank, they get the piggy bank."
Phill: "The piggy bank is cute."
Me: "I agree. Do you want me to ask them how we could get one too?"
Phill: "No, no. Its ok."

And that's why I like my hubby, we share the same tastes and he has no problems admitting to me that he likes cute piggy banks, just like I do. In fact, that was the one thing I eyed when I entered the expo.

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