Friday, July 28, 2006

Rejection/ Interview

I received a call yesterday from the company who interviewed me on Tuesday to say I was unsuccessful for the site manager job I had applied for because they wanted the position to be a part-time one and didn't think I was interested it in - true, cos I didn't want low pay but high responsibility. I wasn't too disappointed cos I wasn't sure if I was qualified for the job but the lady said I was great and there might be another job in the office for me and she'll keep my information on records. I know some people might say that's some standard fare they repeat to everyone but I choose to believe her first and be corrected later on.

And today, while out on a job at Nillahcootie Estate, I received a call to say I've got an interview next Friday for a local government job I had applied. That made my day! I was thrilled, cos I think my skills set and experience can be closely applied in this job. I want this job!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I went for the interview today and left feeling like a bumbling idiot. I felt so unprepared for it. I had this vision of wow-ing them but don't think I quite succeeded. I said too many "uhms" and "I believe"....arrrgghhh! But at least, I was honest with my answers and I wore a pink skirt I recently bought which I love. Phill saw it and said it looked too sweet to wear to an interview. Going away from the interview, I realised that the job is a massive task, managing an entire office and the staff there. I think I may just be unqualified for it...

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I sent off my resume to a company on Monday (the submission deadline) and received a call today to say I've been shortlisted and they wanted to interview me! They made my day! Even if I don't get the job, I'm glad I was considered for the interview. I have been sending out several resumes lately but didn't get an interview and was starting to feel dejected.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Coffee after Church

I met up with some of my church members after church service today, including my pastor, at this new cafe that is owned by a Christian family. Nice environment, great food and reasonable prices.

Anyway, we got talking about current affairs and about the recent Israel bombing of Lebanon and I went away from that afternoon chat thinking about what my pastor had said. He mentioned that some Christians have the idea that because of our Jewish heritage in our beliefs, we should then become supporters of Israel. He said it should not be, and if anything, we should be pro-everybody, and not pro-Israel. And he said the pro-Israel mindset is one that is perpetuated by America. I thought about the Our Daily Bread materials I've which are from America and remember some pro-Israel messages they had like Israel being God's chosen one (my pastor explained that to be the ones who still looked towards God, just like us gentiles who look towards Him are also the chosen ones, and not just by simply being an Israeli). I still think it's a great resource material but it's also important to understand the context and writer's motivation in the devotionals they had written.

It's as if scales fell from my eyes (as mentioned in the bible) when my pastor said that. I used to blindly think that there must be something right about Israel even though I didn't necessarily agree with their actions.

I'm not sure what the solution to the current conflict is but I know it's wrong to use Lebanon as a "playground" to settle the score....when will all this end?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Update owing

I have been neglectful of my blog in the past few weeks. In fact, I have been enjoying 3 weeks of leave taking my parents around the state and I just returned to work this week. I've been busy trying to get on top of things. So, i will be catching up on my updates and posting pics of my holidays soon. Thanks for your patience! =O)

p.s. I'll be filling up the lost moments between 22 June - 5 July so do check those from time to time. ;O)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Turning 30

Ha! And I thought the day will never come....

But I had a great birthday, spending lunch with friends and colleagues, getting gifts of chocolates, chocolates and a lottery ticket.

And thereafter, a dinner of prime steak with Phill.

Nothing more I can ask for....just the good company of friends and family.

In truth, I was quite worried about things going downhill from now on but I remember one acquaintance once said that her 30s were the best time of her life cos she knew where she was and where she wanted to go in life. And if being in my 30s mean babies, I say, "bring it on"!