Saturday, July 15, 2006

Coffee after Church

I met up with some of my church members after church service today, including my pastor, at this new cafe that is owned by a Christian family. Nice environment, great food and reasonable prices.

Anyway, we got talking about current affairs and about the recent Israel bombing of Lebanon and I went away from that afternoon chat thinking about what my pastor had said. He mentioned that some Christians have the idea that because of our Jewish heritage in our beliefs, we should then become supporters of Israel. He said it should not be, and if anything, we should be pro-everybody, and not pro-Israel. And he said the pro-Israel mindset is one that is perpetuated by America. I thought about the Our Daily Bread materials I've which are from America and remember some pro-Israel messages they had like Israel being God's chosen one (my pastor explained that to be the ones who still looked towards God, just like us gentiles who look towards Him are also the chosen ones, and not just by simply being an Israeli). I still think it's a great resource material but it's also important to understand the context and writer's motivation in the devotionals they had written.

It's as if scales fell from my eyes (as mentioned in the bible) when my pastor said that. I used to blindly think that there must be something right about Israel even though I didn't necessarily agree with their actions.

I'm not sure what the solution to the current conflict is but I know it's wrong to use Lebanon as a "playground" to settle the score....when will all this end?

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