Friday, February 11, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year!

Its sad how we never really appreciate what we have til its not there anymore

I never like to prove this statement true but when it comes to Chinese New Year visiting, I've gotta admit that for me this year, I went through it wondering when I'll be able to visit my relatives if I'm not in Singapore every Chinese New Year. I know I'll miss the extended family gathering at one spot if only for just this one time a year.

I love babies and being able to carry my cousin, Karen's boy, Brandon, made me happy this CNY!!! He's 8 months old and is truly a bouncing baby boy. Its easy to make him laugh and he looks at the camera when you take one out. Quite a photographer's dream. Makes me wish I'll get one of my own soon.

I was talking to my pastor's wife and telling her that I'll be 30 in 2006 (i think she couldn't believe it but like the saying goes "sui yue bu liu ren" which is loosely translated as time waits for no man [esp when it comes to aging...sob!]) .....hope I look nothing like that....heehee! I still feel pretty young at heart so that's good or is that self-deception. Anyway, I don't want to be an ah soh neither a "lao wan tong" but just be well groomed and go through life happy and close to Him! =O)

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Jobless - officially UNEMPLOYED

Its weird saying "bye" to my first job I've held for almost 6 years. I felt like I was on MC or that I was going to go back one day, somehow, altho arrrgghhh.......I really don't enjoy the work like I previously did. If anything I know I miss my friends at work, being able to yell across to them or just run to them to share some revelations or news I've heard.

Its now Saturday and in a week's time, I'll be on a plane to go to Melbourne for the next few months before our wedding on 30 June but I haven't packed my room yet......its still really messy littered with things I took back from the office. I'm packing my CDs in CD wallets and cutting recipes from my magazines so that I can throw them away afterwards. I panicked about my packing and had to cancel some appointments with friends (sob!), very reluctantly. With Chinese New Year next week, that will take 2 days away from my packing but hopefully I'll get most of my packing done by then.

I sleep fairly late these days, about 12midnight-2am and wake up anytime between 9am-11am. That's why I hardly eat breakfast these days. Its more like lunch and then dinner. Wonder if its a new diet plan....hahaha!