Saturday, February 05, 2005

Jobless - officially UNEMPLOYED

Its weird saying "bye" to my first job I've held for almost 6 years. I felt like I was on MC or that I was going to go back one day, somehow, altho arrrgghhh.......I really don't enjoy the work like I previously did. If anything I know I miss my friends at work, being able to yell across to them or just run to them to share some revelations or news I've heard.

Its now Saturday and in a week's time, I'll be on a plane to go to Melbourne for the next few months before our wedding on 30 June but I haven't packed my room yet......its still really messy littered with things I took back from the office. I'm packing my CDs in CD wallets and cutting recipes from my magazines so that I can throw them away afterwards. I panicked about my packing and had to cancel some appointments with friends (sob!), very reluctantly. With Chinese New Year next week, that will take 2 days away from my packing but hopefully I'll get most of my packing done by then.

I sleep fairly late these days, about 12midnight-2am and wake up anytime between 9am-11am. That's why I hardly eat breakfast these days. Its more like lunch and then dinner. Wonder if its a new diet plan....hahaha!


suyi said...

vic! hehee still abit shocked after learning that u know velina =P ok anyways, good luck with ur packing and enjoy what's left of ur week here in Singapore... we'll see u soon in June! Take care and keep posting when u're in Melb k? *hugs*

Tora said...

Thanks dear!!! =O)I'll definitely want to post about what's been happening to me in Melbourne. A whole new experience for me.....not having my regular hawker fare...sob! sob!

heehee....shocked ah? I think I'll go ask her about you..... ;O) You'll see her at my wedding. =O)

Take care, suyi!!! =O)