Friday, July 28, 2006

Rejection/ Interview

I received a call yesterday from the company who interviewed me on Tuesday to say I was unsuccessful for the site manager job I had applied for because they wanted the position to be a part-time one and didn't think I was interested it in - true, cos I didn't want low pay but high responsibility. I wasn't too disappointed cos I wasn't sure if I was qualified for the job but the lady said I was great and there might be another job in the office for me and she'll keep my information on records. I know some people might say that's some standard fare they repeat to everyone but I choose to believe her first and be corrected later on.

And today, while out on a job at Nillahcootie Estate, I received a call to say I've got an interview next Friday for a local government job I had applied. That made my day! I was thrilled, cos I think my skills set and experience can be closely applied in this job. I want this job!

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