Sunday, August 14, 2005

Cheesecake and trees

We made the cheesecake today, finally! =O) It looked all messy and by the time we put the gelatine into the mix, it seems to have hardened abit. Being inexperienced, we decided to put it in somehow but then saw it was not dissolving and still lumpy. We then slot the non-bake cheesecake into the fridge and hoped for the best.

After that, I went and washed my car and Phill helped me which made it easier. It takes me usually slightly more than an hour but today, it was like 30 mins. Anyway, everytime I wash the car, he has to help me cos I can't reach the roof of my car or the top of the front windscreen.

Feeling real pleased that my car was all shiny and new, I suggested we go out to the fields to help his dad plant the trees we bought last weekend. His dad enjoys planting them but we feel guilty not doing part of the work ourselves. So in the howling and cold wind, we planted each of them and I said a prayer that they'll grow "big, strong, sturdy, and straight". We planted about 25 trees in 1 hour 45 mins and I felt like it was a great accomplishment. Perhaps we can do more the following weekend.

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