Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Racist comment

In the news today:
A racist comment by the New South Wales Opposition Liberal Leader, John Brogden, and two other indiscretions at a dinner to farewell retiring NSW Premier Bob Carr have left him shamed and apologetic, resigning as Leader of the party.

At the dinner, one newspaper report I read said that when he was asked what Bob Carr will be doing when he retired, John said something to the effect of Bob can go back to where his mail order bride comes from, for all he cared. Tsk! Tsk!

The Age Article

Helena Carr is Malaysian-born but she is not mail ordered. Then again, this is not the first of negative inference raised on mail order brides. There are some in our community and some do result in happy marriages.

Its just a different way people meet but it becomes an issue if deceit is involved. (boy, re-reading this sentence again and thinking abt it, it sure sounds like a bimbo statement. I think what I meant was if those mail order brides had a choice, they won't want to be "purchased" to be a bride.)

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