Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mansfield Mount Buller High Country Festival

Its the high country festival this weekend which actually began on Friday with fireworks, opening of an art exhibition and a torchlight parade around town. Phill and I stayed home on Friday night and watched the fireworks in the backyard of our new place. That was fun. It also gave me a chance to rest from my cold and flu.

Today, however, it was my day to work cos Steve worked on Friday evening and Saturday. I went to take pics of a floral festival at a local church, open gardens around town (people opened their gardens for public viewing for a nominal fee that goes towards the maintenance of a nursing home's garden). One of the beautiful gardens below.

I was also meant to go and cover an event, "Story of Horse and High Country". However, when Phill and I drove up, a few people were speaking to cars in front of us and they were turning away. When it came to our turn, a lady apologised and said the event has been cancelled because of the soft ground due to the wet weather. There was going to be stunts on horseback, some whip-cracking stuff and some other fantastic action.

So what was going to be a long afternoon ended up with us heading home, giving me even more time to rest my head.

And we confirmed purchasing the more expensive mattress which we hope will last us more than 20 years when the Sleepmaker one we had originally decided on may only last us 10 years. Yeah!!! =O) Now, waiting for the mattress to arrive.

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