Monday, September 04, 2006

Steve Irwin

I was shocked when my colleague told some of us that Steve Irwin, 44, the crocodile hunter, was dead. I thought it was a sick joke until I read online the Aussie papers confirming the news - that he was speared by a stingray barb which went throught his chest and heart. I was numb....kept searching in my mind if it was April's Fool.

I love his laughter and the way he made us, the viewers, laugh. He has such a unique personality and was so brave even in front of the most dangerous animals. Watching his shows wasn't boring. It was entertaining, educational and most of all, funny! He was really a little boy in a man's outfit.

I questioned why his passing seems to have such an effect on me. I had all along thought he was invincible - he had survived times when I thot it was near misses and his experience convinced me that he will know when to dodge if danger came. But he is not, neither is anyone of us, invincible.

My illusion of the confidence and control in my own destiny has been broken. We are not in control. I am glad it's God in control of mine. I have to remember to walk closely with Him. I struggle cos I can think of other books and magazines I would prefer to read over the Bible. But I'm learning to take one little step over another and take those steps to be closer to Him who loves me.

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