Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Understanding Islam

Phill and I attended a seminar on understanding Islam at our community centre today. Apparently, it was a really popular seminar that was quickly booked out. But it was also "popular" among a small group of residents who wrote letters to the papers to complain about the seminar. Some felt that they were here to convert us to Muslims (???!!), others said there is no seminar on other religions so why is there one suddenly on Islam. I believe these comments were due to ignorance and hopefully, not anything truly and genuinely vindictive.

I found the seminar presented by a Muslim couple a really useful one. Of course, being from Singapore and having Muslim friends helped in my understanding of the religion too. I think because of that, I know more about the Islamic faith than the average Australian. There is some differences between Islam and Christianity (tho not as many as I thot there were) and the main differences I can remember is that as Christians, we believe Jesus came to the world to save us from our sins but Islam believes Jesus as one of the prophets and also in the accumulation of good deeds. What was interesting was that Muslims celebrate a festival where they give family and friends Noah Pudding - to celebrate Noah's ark surviving from the great storm. How wonderful!

The wife who presented was very articulate and very passionate about sharing her faith and clearing up any misunderstandings people may have about the faith. She said something that was very brave - "I don't like to use the word 'hate' but I hate Osama bin Laden and I've said it publicly but the media don't carry my comments". It's true and sad, when the media only chooses to show the negative side of a particular group of people. In this instance, I think having a regulated media will be helpful cos someone can then step in and say that a positive example of a group in society will help to generate a more balanced view.

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