Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Phill and I had rendang for dinner last night with Prima Taste Rendang Mix and prime beef steak (it cost $33/kg but I bought 450g and at sale price of $11). It was beautiful and really made us miss Singapore food heaps! We're really thankful for these mixes and when we head to Melbourne next week, we'll be buying up heaps....hahaha!

One game Phill and I play often is to name Singapore dishes we miss most (we can't name just one dish, it's too difficult).

At the moment:
For him - it's char kway teow, carrot cake, tau suan, butter crabs, roti prata, mee siam, laksa, Mos Burger and peach tea.

For me - it's cheng ting, mee pok (dry), brown chicken rice, roti prata, mee siam, chilli crabs, and anything hot and spicy....yum!

But it's a really torturous game to play with each other cos we can't taste the food we miss most. And invariably, Phill will ask me what will be the first dish I will have upon arriving in Singapore at the end of the year and who cares what time it is, but I think at the moment, it's cheng ting...hahahaha!

When we were out for a walk on Sunday, I suddenly had a craving for green bean soup. I said to Phill, "it's strange how when we don't have the variety of food that is available in Singapore, I crave for even the simplest fare that I may not even eat that often if we were in Singapore".

Singapore Food - the ties that bind us....heehee!


Anonymous said...

hi there, i stumbled upon your blog. lovely blog u hv :) i'm a foodie myself too and its great to know likeminded ppl =) take care!

Tora said...

Hi Evan, thanks....I love your blog and its yummy food pics! =O)