Saturday, November 12, 2005

Princess and the Pea

Our king-size mattress was delivered today. It was HUGE! I don't think I've ever seen a bed that HUGE! And cos I gotta run off to cover an event, phill offered to fix up our bed. When I came home, I saw it and had to laugh. The bed was not only huge, it was very high, which made me think of the story of Princess and the Pea.

Phill said I probably need a step ladder to get up and a parachute to get out of it...haha! very funny! =P

And poor him, after fixing the bed, he had quite alot of cuts to his fingers, and they were pretty deep.


Anonymous said...

in that case u had better sayang him more muahahahahahahaha

Tora said...

of course, i sayang, sayang, triple sayang him.... ;O)