Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Lamb, Post-mortem

I was thinking perhaps I should try and include more of the interesting stories I have to write in the course of work. One of those happened this morning where I had to go to a farm, about 15 mins drive from where I live for an information session on Ovine Johne's Disease (OJD). Its a wasting disease that inflicts sheep, especially merino sheep.

Anyway, the "exciting" part of the event was a post-mortem on a lamb and the vet officer was telling all the farmers how they could tell their lambs was diseased cos the gut would be opaque and not translucent.

As the vet officer sliced open the lamb, I was surprised the smell wasn't too off-putting. It could be that I got used to it when I entered the sheep barn earlier for the talk on OJD.

After taking the pics I needed for my article, I moved onto another spot where a new vaccination device was being explained. That I found gruesome cos a farmer was explaining how sheep could be vaccinated and every time he jabbed the needle into a sheep, it will shrink its head. That poor thing. I couldn't bear to see too much of that, took my pics, and headed back to the office.

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