Thursday, September 08, 2005

Benalla West School Concert

I left work about 45 mins earlier today to drive to Benalla and meet Phill to arrange the repairs for my dear car, have dinner and head to the Benalla Performing Arts Centre to watch his school concert which he is a part of too.

The concert performances were done by different classes and the little prep kids were so cute. In the first item, there was a front row of 4 little gals with their poms-poms and guess who they looked at to know what to do? The littlest gal of them all. She was so cute counting the beat and then moving her pom-poms out and then in.

In another item, kids talked about the virtues of eating vegetables and sang a song that went something like:
"eat your vegetables,
eat your vegetables,
they may be disgusting but
eat your vegetables,
crunch, crunch, crunch".

When it came to phill's item, he was "Alan Afro" a talkshow host interviewing a group, made up of all the kids in his class, about the 1970s food trends in Australia such as the barbi (bbq). He was quite funny and I couldn't be any prouder. *beaming*

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