Saturday, June 23, 2007

What Makes A Good Boss?

The unpleasant work environment I'm currently in, which sometimes feels toxic, has pushed me to compile a list of what makes a good boss (to me):
  1. Reasonable (preferably, don't say no when I want to take annual leave cos I'm willing to complete my tasks and do my handover to whoever is handling my work in the meantime);
  2. Even-tempered (nothing worse than a boss that stomps to work, grumpy as anything, and then another day, act like you're his/her friend???!!! Schizo?);
  3. Organised (I don't like a boss who sits on work and then with 1 or 2 days to go, pass it onto me to complete before the deadine - in QUICK TIME - when he/ she had it weeks ago!!!);
  4. Know their stuff (please don't try and correct me when I know you don't know what you're talking about and you're trying to behave like you do - don't insult yourself and me!);
  5. Don't wield their authority cos they can (A boss needs to realise they don't own their staff but do own their output and don't say "No" cos you can, definitely leaves a sour taste on one's mouth);
  6. Sets an example (I have a supervisor who expects me to do as she says but not as she does. One eg, I wanted to take half-pay leave, she said I can only take some of my leave half-pay even though she takes ALL of her leave on half-pay - why? cos she can, she's my supervisor);
  7. Doesn't lie or gossip (nothing worse than discovering your manager will never tell you or your colleagues what he thinks but he sure will tell you what he doesn't like about your colleagues and vice versa, unfounded or not - very unprofessional and immature.);
  8. Willing to share their knowledge and teach (Some are born teachers, others are not, but as long as one is willing to teach, the workload can be shared. I am not learning as much as I can in my present job cos I am held back and not involved in the main work and in meetings [only involved with 3 since I started work]. Mostly doing admin and project management which is only part of my job description.);
  9. Stands up for me (My supervisor is definitely quick to stand up for me when external party questions my work, which I appreciate.)
  10. Trusts me (If you have given me a task, taught me, given me a deadline, please do not stand over my shoulder and watch while I work or call me every 1 hour to ask for an update. I can and will do it and will show you. If I can't, I'll ask you.)

That is my list so far. With more work experience, the list might grow longer.

This past week, it hasn't been as bad as it was previously. But I found out that a training course I wanted to attend and which my supervisor said wasn't that great and I can read it from a book, I found out she signed herself and the manager up for it???!!!! And then the manager said she's a good supervisor because she is firm and puts her foot down (I am neither rebellious nor recalcitrant, why does she need to put her foot down with me?) and the other supervisor should learn from her?! Yes, if one intends to make it onto the list of poor quality bosses.

Money article on "How Good A Boss Are You" --

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