Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Is this fair?

Phill is a Maths specialist teacher at school and being the nice and good teacher he is, he sometimes likes to share personal stories with his students.

Today, after work, he told me he had told his students about the question we asked each other, a pertinent question most newlywed couples ask themselves.

"What do you want for Christmas?"

I have always said I wanted an ipod video, since last year, and this year, I was really keen on having it. And Phill finally agreed to buy it for me. And I asked him what he wanted and while he was flipping through his military tank modelling magazine, he said he wanted a French tank which costs $30.

So he asked his students, "do you think it's fair that Victoria gets an almost $400 ipod video while I get a $30 tank model?"

All of his students, except 7 of them (they must be on my side!), said it wasn't fair.

Then one student, one of the 7, had this to say:
"But Mr Brown, you're married. It's all about the love!"

I broke down laughing. He was so sweet and really put things into perspective!!! It really is about the love but it's easy for me to say cos I'm getting the more expensive present...hahaha!


Anonymous said...

You're reminding me of my big headache of what to get my gf... hahahaha
prob can sponser her bike parts.

Anonymous said...

Sweet of Phill. The last time I was over there and there are times before had told him not to spoil you, he said he will try his best. Now I do not know what he meant, to try his best to spoiling you or not to spoil you?



Tora said...

hey gary, you can sponsor her bike parts but also buy her a little something so she can remember in future that for Christmas 2006, you gave her that gift.

My ipod arrived today!!! Yippeee!

But...cannot open until Christmas!

*going stir crazy*