Saturday, March 18, 2006

Can't put this down

I love it when I get a book that I can't put down. I bought this book, "Mixed Blessings" by Deborah Lee, about foster caring. Deborah has been a foster carer for close to 30 years and cos she can't have her own children, adopted 3 Australian Chinese kids. It was a fascinating, heartbreaking and funny book. It was so addictive, I found myself struggling between going to bed or just reading another page. Highly recommended!

It struck a personal chord with me cos Phill and I had discussed previously that if we couldn't have our own kids naturally, we'll adopt. But I'm also tempted to be a foster carer which I've been told can be heartbreaking when you have to return the kid. There's just so many kids out there who can do with alot of love. Phill is not keen though and I'm wondering maybe I should work on him and convince him for us to be foster carers. Anyway, there is respite foster care, where you take them for only a weekend or two each month. That should be okay and a nice initiation into foster care. But, we'll see how it goes. It won't work if only one person wants to do it. And perhaps when we have kids, I might be too busy and have changed my mind.... =P

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