Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Australia (not Commonwealth) Games!

The tv station broadcasting the Commonwealth Games have been receiving criticism in the media for only broadcasting medal presentations and action of Aussie athletes, which led to the question if the Games was the Australia Games, and not the Commonwealth Games.

To think that the audience only want shots of Australia athletes is myopic. If that's all they want, why not educate them on the fact that other countries' athletes are just as good in certain sports, and that Australian athletes have been beaten to the gold medals too. Otherwise, in some minds, although proven by the current medal tally, they think only the world of Australia. They are also insulting those viewers who are interested to find out more about the winners (Aussie or not) and about the entire action.

I was peeved about the little table tennis coverage I get, except when the Singapore gals were playing the Aussie gals. Almost like crumbs off a table.....arrrgghhhh! I wanted to track the Singapore table tennis players progress!!!!!! So glad about Singapore's gold medal at the table tennis though - yipppeeee!

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