Tuesday, December 12, 2006


My general manager came to our office today to speak to some of my colleagues but he also took the chance to speak to me first cos I resigned yesterday. We chatted for abit and he had some positive feedback to say about my work but then he said something which made me go, "what?!".

At one point, he said he understood how difficult it was for me to write in a language that wasn't my mother tongue?!

Was he trying to say I didn't write well? My editors haven't mentioned that to me before. Yes, I do make mistakes but they are not mistakes that makes a person goes, "gee, does she even know the language?" (maybe some people might say that after reading my blog and seeing the mistakes splattered throughout - that goes to show one has to read, and re-read their posts...=P)

I told him that English is my dominant language. Then he said, "aren't you billingual?" And I said I am but my English is better than my Mandarin and that I spoke English at home. That's when he said abit defensively, "I've not been to Singapore before".

I was really insulted! But I'm learning to let things like that slide, 'like water off a duck's back', cos I've resigned!

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