Saturday, December 09, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

Phill and I watched "An Inconvenient Truth" at the Mansfield Cinema and both loved it. The facts and truth are so confronting about the way we're damaging our planet, I couldn't quite say "we enjoyed it". It was scary and the "frog in the slow boiling water" in me wanted to dismiss all the facts and said it's all just scare tactics but just looking at the data collected and the effects on the environment around me, I was convinced I needed to do more. What I liked about the film was how clear the scenarios were presented and the fact it ended on a positive note that we all can make a difference.

We've gotta take action today and I'm going to start by calling our electricity company to convert our account to green power so that our electricity is sourced from renewable energy sources, and also learn to put up with the heat or the cold and not use our air-con/ heater too much.

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