Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Book Club

I was interviewing a local volunteer for her involvement with the garden club and got talking about a show on the ABC Channel hosted by Jennifer Byrne, Book Club, and how one gardening guru, Peter Cundall, was featured.

Anyway, I asked her if there was any book club in Mansfield and she said yes. In fact, we have 3 book clubs - 2 met at nite and 1 met in the day (won't work for me cos I'm working). And she said one of the book clubs is linked with CAE (Centre of Adult Education). At the beginning of each year, the book club members will be given a list of books and they will tick 11 books that they will like to read (the group meets from Feb-Dec only). The lists are collated and the books which are selected most frequently will be read by the book club. The books will also be allocated to be read on a monthly basis so we don't go reading the wrong book in the wrong month.

I've always had this fantasy about being part of a book club. Almost sounds so toffy and self-important.

(with a plummy accent) "Oh, I'm with a book club. We discuss intellectual things of the day." --- pffttt! sure, amidst yummy goodies, tea, coffee and wonderful conversation too!!!

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