Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Nasty Call

I received a really nasty call from a person who was offended I didn't interview for an article I did regarding planning issues. He said my article was unbalanced and went on and on to abuse me and tell me where I went wrong. I tried to explain to him and offered to write another article in the coming week on his angle but he refused. This went on for a while until I finally had to tell him I wished to end the call cos he was getting more threatening and he refuted that claim too. He talked for a little while longer and at some points, I kept silent at my end cos there was nothing else left for me to say. And finally, he hung up on me.

I was a little shaken by the call and yet, also angry, that this guy saw it fit to speak to me in such a tone.

I had discussed with my editor about the article before I wrote it and it wasn't a judgement piece about who was right or wrong just that this one person had a comment. But, on reflection, could I have done the article better? I sure can and I hope this will never happen again.

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