Friday, June 23, 2006

London Bridge (is falling down, falling...fallen already)

Along the stretch at Great Ocean Road, around Port Campbell, we stopped at the London Bridge so called cos it did fall down, I think, in the 90s.
It's apparently now called the London Arch. A little spiel below from one website about the London Arch aka London Bridge.

The first formation you will see is London Arch, a natural arch formed through erosion. London Arch was previously called London Bridge, due to the close resemblance of it's double arches to the actual bridge. The name changed to London Arch in 1990 after the first arch collapsed, leaving two tourists stranded. The tourists were rescued by helicopter and fortunately nobody was injured.

When we arrived at the platform, on our left was the London Bridge. Below is a pic of what the scenery on the right of the platform was.

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