Thursday, January 26, 2006

Australia Day and Mini Grand Prix in town

There was an Australia Day ceremony in the morning which I covered, for work. Very poignant and there were speeches of what it means to be Australian. I feel like an outsider cos I feel more Singaporean than anything.

As 2 residents took the pledge to become Australia citizens, I was thinking how I probably will never take that step cos I still want my Singapore citizenship. The day Singapore allows dual citizenship, I'll take up Aussie citizenship. Unless my kids in future are affected in any way, I can't forsee myself giving up my Singapore citizenship.

Later in the afternoon, there was a classic cars sprint, a local cycling race and then the qualifying race for the Porsche Mount Buller Sprint. Phill met me at 12.45pm at work and we made our way to the grandstands (cost: a min of $50 each, which my company paid for) to "chope" seats for the race.

When we were there, we found no-one else. I turned to Phill and said," eh, Aussies not very kiasu hor". He replied,"nope, but we're Singaporeans....heehee!".....hahaha! How true....our Singaporean kiasu-ness came out.

It was scorching hot though....over 40 degrees but we applied sunblock so we're well-protected from the heat. But I didn't have a hat and after 30 mins of sitting in the heat, I told Phill I needed to get a hat so I went off wanting to look for the merchandise shop but couldn't find it and got myself a red hat from one of the shops in the main street instead. I quite like it although with my glasses and all, I look like I'm a Mainland Chinese gal... =P

Some pics from that day:

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