Saturday, December 17, 2005

Phill's Christmas Party

Phill and I attended his school's Christmas party earlier this evening at one of his colleague's house in Glenrowan (around the Wangaratta area). We got lost though cos Phill forgot to bring the map. He thought he did but I searched his bag and didn't find it. He almost wanted to give up and head home (after driving from home for 75 mins) when he decided to try a certain route and we finally found the place - phew!

When we arrived, we realised there was not going to be a bbq. Phill thought it was going to be one and we had brought sausages but fortunately, we brought KFC coleslaw and a teacake too. It was actually sort of potluck and everyone brought either a main dish, appetiser or dessert. Everyone made something though, except us. We brought take away....hahaha!

Initially, I was feeling a little out of place cos I didn't really know many of his colleagues but 2 of them made the effort to talk to me, Rebecca and Steve, and his wife, Tania. After we had our meal, a few of us sat around and talked and that was good. And we had a tour of the one-acre block of garden the house sat on and then an internal house tour later on. The house is in an odd-shape but unusual and nice. The garden was huge and I told Phill later on there was no way I could manage such a big space. We laughed about it and admitted we had problems tidying up our little house at the moment, much less a garden!

We finally left the place at about 10.15pm, all full and happy, but tired. Towards the end of the car trip, I was getting really sleepy. And it was cold. Suppose to be summer but it was freezing. And then by the time we arrived home, I was real grumpy. As soon as I hit the pillow, I was dead to the world.

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