Saturday, October 27, 2007

Peter Sandman Workshop

The views from my hotel room and I absolutely love the views and my room!!!

I've never been to Geelong before and had the chance the past few days to head there for a Peter Sandman workshop that I had the privilege to attend for work training purposes. It was such a good communications workshop which taught us about engaging the community proactively. I could have sat and listened to him for ages.

I also got to know colleagues from other organisations and other regional offices. Some were really nice while others were really strange. 2 particular people were strange in that they were insistent that they be heard and that their views be taken but when it was others' turn to speak or offer their opinion, they didn't listen. I became really grateful for my colleagues back at my office and how they were really helpful, supportive and co-operative in getting work done.

It was a good trip driving to Geelong and back home with my boss. We had good conversations about work, about my studies and about her studies when she did them. She was admirable cos she studied and did her masters while she was looking after her children. She used to wake up at 4am to study until 7am then fed her newborn baby. I'm not sure I can do that.

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