Friday, December 24, 2004

Blissful Dream...

I can't remember what I dreamt about last night, in detail, only the feelings I had from the dreams. I'm sure somewhere in those dreams, I dreamt of Kwon Sang Woo too....hahahha! Woke up at 2am and tried to continue that dream with Sang Woo but to no avail.....however, the best was yet to be. I remember the general feeling of 觉得幸福 ("feeling blessed". Sometimes I express better in Mandarin) in my dreams, of having a child and carrying him/ her (I don't remember my child's gender in my dream. Could be a boy though.) and saying 'bye' to Phill as he left for work (I think I may have told Phill not to go to work and just stay at home...hahahaha....but he said we'll be alright)........I wait for this dream to be fulfilled!

One dream I still remember pretty vividly even though I had the dream several years ago. I dreamt Phill and I were showing our new house to both our parents and the house had white walls and lots of sunlight streaming through (could be heaven!) and I was carrying this chubby lil boy on my hip. I remember feeling very
幸福 and very contented and happy!

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