Monday, March 24, 2008

Atonement and James McAvoy

I had watched Atonement in Singapore a few months ago but when our local cinema (short drive away) was screening Atonement, I took the chance to watch it again. Why not? Just another opportunity to ogle at James McAvoy, who though young, has a charismatic and mesmerising quality. He doesn't look overly gorgeous the way Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves are, without them opening their mouths, but there's a quality McAvoy has that is harder to pin down. He makes me weak at the knees...hahaha!

I immensely enjoyed Atonement, loved Joe Wright's technique of shooting the same scene from the perspective of different characters and the rhythmic tapping of the typewriter which added to the sense of suspense. It all came together so beautifully and smaller roles played by Brenda Blethyn (Robbie's mother), and then in the finale, Vanessa Redgrave was amazing. She said more in her facial expressions - the pain, regret, and wish to make amends. I wish I can act like her!
A comment Phill overheard in Singapore when we were watching this movie has remained etched in his mind such that everytime he sees Keira Knightley, he repeats the comment: "So Skiiiinnnny" in a typical Singaporean accent.

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