Saturday, December 15, 2007

Movie: Amazing Grace

I watched this movie about 2 months ago but hadn't blogged about it so thought I should since the movie made quite an impression on me. Although the character of William Wilberforce was the main protagonist, I was very much attracted to William Pitt, Wilberforce's friend and England's youngest ever Prime Minister. I was attracted to Pitt's character because he gave really good and sound advice to Wilberforce and he paved the way so that Wilberforce's plans will bear fruit. He felt sad when Wilberforce was sad and happy when Wilberforce was happy. To me, he was the epitome of a very good friend. And when Wilberforce died, he was laid to rest side by side with his friend, Pitt. Sometimes, in life, you can find such true friends that they become your brother or sister.

Which made me think of the friends I have. I can't say I have friends at my present workplace with whom I could share my innermost thoughts. I've found with a colleague or two that whatever I say or whatever news I share gets passed around. I wish I could trust a particular colleague but I've given up cos nothing is sacred with her. So I was recently abit down that she disappointed me so. And I suppose to a certain extent, I've seen through her as a person. Good friends whom you can trust and whom you can have a heart-to-heart are so difficult to find. I thank God though that I have friends I made in my previous workplace in Australia that I still hang out with and whose company I enjoy very much. With 2 particular friends who are about 15-20 years older than me, we can sit and talk over a meal for 3-4 hours straight without looking at our watches and then realise time has flown. It has happened every single time! Age is no barrier to our friendship and I'm glad they're my friends!

Which also makes me miss my friends in Singapore because they are the ones I can have heart-to-heart talks with but then again, thank God for technology cos I can always drop them an email. But it doesn't beat being able to sit down for a chat after work.
I pray for a friend at work I can trust!

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