Friday, February 29, 2008

Church = Hypocrites?

I read in a Mansfield newspaper recently about a church sign in Mansfield (a short drive away from where we are) that went something like this:

This church is not full of hypocrites,
There's room for more.

I'm not sure about you but in a way, that hit the nail somewhat. It made a statement, but it also showed the church could laugh at itself. In effect, the world is full of hypocrites, isn't that true? There are also hypocrites in church. We are all hypocrites at some point in our lives. Some people may live their lives as hypocrites while others are unintentional hypocrites. Are there times when I know I'm being a hypocrite?

What the statement said to me, as a believer, was "are you a hypocrite? is it time to confess and change". I know only Christ Jesus can make that change in me cos I am not able, I am weak, and sometimes, I don't want to change enough cos I don't want to do the hard yards.

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