Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Names we could possibly have for our kid (in future)

I'm not pregnant but sometimes I like getting into the mood of choosing potential names for our future kids.

Cos Phill and I are both fans of this Amercian drama, NCIS, I suggested 2 names from 2 characters in the show that we thought may be potential names for sons (just cos we agree on more female names than male. We have no male names we agree on).

For the moment, we think Jethro (Mark Harmon's character in the show. nick: Jet) and Tobias (nick: Toby) sounds pretty cool. In Australia, we have to think of what the kid's name may be called as a nick too or it may turn up sounding awful. Hardly anyone here in Australia calls people by their full name. If your name is Mary, it may be Mars or whatever your friends come up with or whatever that can be shortened to one syllable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If they love one syllable name, we chinese have plenty. Do you want it in Teochew hahaha or whichever dialect, or in our multi-racial languages too I can offer some to you. Here are some samples for you, ah oi(short) ah oe (black) ah pui (fat)ah tua(big) ah soi(small)I do not think you like that better to stick to their proper names.
