Tuesday, May 16, 2006

How You Know When It's TOO cold!

  1. When you wake up in the morning, you can't look out of your windows cos its all condensed.
  2. You get cold very quickly after jumping out of a hot shower.
  3. When you open the fridge, there is no gust of cold wind cos the room is colder than the temperature in the fridge.
  4. When you forget to keep dinner leftovers in the fridge, it's okay (read pt 2).
  5. Even after wearing a T-shirt and a jacket and track pants, and you're wondering why you still feel cold....oh yes, the heater is not switched on...but it's not EVEN winter!
  6. You hate the idea of hopping into a cold bed cos you're already feeling rather cool...brrrr.
  7. You hate the idea of hopping out of bed in the morning cos you're warm and toasty under your 7 sheets made up of blankets, sleeping bag and doona.
  8. If you had a hot drink or a meal, it's best to consume them within 5-10 minutes cos it cools really quickly.
  9. And you need hot water all the time, to wash your hands, to wash the dishes, to have a shower, such that at the end of the day, when you want to have another shower, you realise you've run out of hot water! Aarrgghh!
  10. And you realise that perhaps you should have switched on the heater rather than grumbling about the above points...

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